Frequently asked questions


Yes. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. You must have internet access and a mobile device to participate. See Terms and Conditions for complete details.

For questions about your personal information, please read the ASU privacy policy.

There are different types of rewards in the catalog. When you redeem a reward, you’ll receive an email confirmation letting you know what to expect next.

Thanks for asking! Our username is @sundevilrewards on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Tap “Events” in the menu. Find the event for which you want to check in, open the event and tap the maroon button labeled “Check in.” Once you’ve done this, you’ll earn more Pitchforks!

Your mobile device’s location is determined by several factors. GPS satellites, Wi-Fi networks and nearby cell towers can all come into play with varying degrees of impact and accuracy. 

Environmental factors such as buildings or natural features can also affect accuracy.

Here are a few steps you can take that may help improve your location accuracy: 

  1. If possible, step outside. 
  2. Turn on Wi-Fi, if available. 
  3. Try turning location services off, then back on. 
  4. Restart your phone.

Android users can switch to high accuracy mode (this may use more battery life) by taking the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to “Settings.”
  2. Tap “Location” and ensure your “Location Services” is set to “On.” 
  3. The first category under “Location” should display as “Mode.” Tap that and double-check that it’s set to “High” accuracy. 

Although this approach uses slightly more battery, it is utilizing all available methods to pinpoint the most accurate location possible.